The Innovation Exeter Project aims to establish Exeter as a ‘clear brand, which will put Exeter on the map as a place to invest and do business’

Positive news gained from: Presentation by Professor Sir Steve Smith, Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive of the University of Exeter, at the Michelmores quarterly business breakfast on Friday 11th September.

The Vision: To establish Exeter as a leading knowledge economy and entrepreneurial city in the UK, attracting significant investment and raising income levels for the benefit of its residents and businesses.

Key presentation highlights: 

Exeter has been a powerful driver of growth across the HotSW LEP Area.

Between 2000 and 2015 City’s total output grew 50% faster than the LEP’s (48% v 32%, respectively).

In 2015, productivity per job in Exeter (£44,224) was 25% higher than productivity across HotSW (£34,947).

Over the next 15 years, productivity per job in Exeter (26%) is expected to rise almost three times as fast as the rise across HotSW (9%).

Exeter was only second to Aberdeen in terms of growth at around 32.5 % productivity growth measured as GDP per inhabitant, leagues ahead of Edinburgh in 3rd at just above 25% and London at 25%

Exeter is a motor for job creation

Between 2009 to 2014 the number of people employed in Exeter rose by nearly 30,000

Over the same period, employment in HotSW rose by 10,000.

Without Exeter, employment across HotSW could have fallen over this period.

Exeter will continue to create highly productive employment

Inward commuters make up c45% of all employment within the Exeter.

The Innovation Exeter Project partners:

Exeter City, East Devon, and Teignbridge District Councils / /

Devon County Council

The Met Office

The University of Exeter

Exeter College

Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital Foundation Trust

Heart of the South West LEP


Sir Steve’s take away quote:

“Where the best brains are, business follows”

 For the full presentation, click here: Innovation Exeter Presentation