King Recruit’s tips for staying strong and active during lockdown

Research shows that being sedentary is bad for your physical and mental health, so staying active during this difficult time is important. Being physically active helps lower blood pressure and cholesterol and can significantly reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes. It also helps maintain muscle mass and bone density, reducing the risk of developing sarcopenia (loss of muscle mass) and osteoporosis (loss of bone density).

Physical activity also helps to keep your immune system working effectively as it flushes bacteria from the lungs and airways, increases white blood cell circulation and raises body temperature, all of which help the body fight infection.

As well as the physical health benefits, keeping active is a great way to ward off some of the psychological issues associated with being cooped up for an extended time. Being active helps lower stress hormones such as cortisol and promotes the release of feel-good hormones, such as endorphins.

For those people that exercise in a gym or go for a run in a local park, so being forced to spend long periods of time at home is going to pose a challenge for remaining active. So what can we do to ensure we make the most of the situation and keep ourselves fit and healthy?

The simple art of…Walking

Walking is said to boost creativity by 60% – Not only is it great exercise and helps you escape the unrelenting four walls, it’s great for generating ideas and solving problems.

If you are not in self-isolation and are allowed to venture outside (as people in the UK can, but just once a day), then regular walking, running or cycling is a great way to stay active. Just be sure to keep a distance of two metres away from other people.

Exercising at home

Even if you are stuck at home, there are ways you can stay active and continue your workout routine – and some of these require very little or no equipment. If you are lucky enough to own an exercise bike or treadmill, then you will already be accustomed to this in-house way of keeping fit. But if these are not possible then any activity that raises the heart rate is good for cardiovascular health.

Increasing your steps

Try walking briskly around the house or up and down the stairs. And stand or walk around when you’re on the phone, rather than sitting down. Set yourself 10,000 steps to do which can be measured on your phone. It’s amazing how quickly these add up. Dancing is also a great way to keep active, especially with children, so putting on some music for 10 to 15 minutes, two or three times each day can really contribute to the daily exercise quota.

For the more adventurous…

Alternatively, you could dig out that old skipping rope from the garage, re-engage with those long-forgotten Insanity, yoga, tai chi or pilates DVDs, or use the many apps and YouTube videos promoting physical activity.

Resistance exercises can also help strengthen your muscles and improve your mobility. Some of these exercises can be performed using weights or resistance bands, but if you don’t have access to them, that shouldn’t stop you. Squats or sit-to-stands from a sturdy chair, push-ups against a wall or the kitchen counter, and lunges or single-leg step-ups on stairs are all great for those new to these kinds of exercises.

You could even put your tins of baked beans, bags of rice, bottled water or flour to good use. They make great dumbbell substitutes or, if you tie them up in a carrier bag, you have an improvised kettlebell.

Challenge yourself and your friends

Set yourself a challenge and sign up for something online such as a Strava challenge then post your updates online to keep you accountable. With us all taking in more scenery locally it could also help to motivate those around you.


King Recruit is an independently minded recruitment and search agency, covering Exeter and the whole of the South West. For ambitious companies and professionals alike – the core of our mission is to help drive your success.

If you’d like to speak to King Recruit by video or telephone interview advice, please call us on 01392 790725 or email to arrange a convenient time. There is no obligation. King Recruit is making a Covid-19 pledge to help anyone who needs advice, support and guidance.

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